Investigating the antecedents of Potential Hypertension Patients’ Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity in Personal Health Assistant Services: A Case Study on a Private Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand


  • Artirat Charukitpipat

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2024.6
Published: 2024-03-01


Brand Loyalty, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Hypertension, Health Assistant Services


Purpose: The research has aim to investigate the antecedents of brand loyalty and brand equity in personal health assistant services perceived by patients with potential hypertension at a private hospital of Bangkok, Thailand. Research design, data and methodology: The research framework was conceptualized based on previous studies and theoretical frameworks, which consisted of perceived service quality, satisfaction, word-of-mouth, brand image, brand loyalty, and brand equity. The research has conducted the study with a group of 500 respondents with potential hypertension patients using purposive sampling, stratified random sampling, and convenience sampling. Questionnaires for data collection were verified for reliability of measurement items with Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and pilot test. The collected data was then analyzed with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results: Brand image is an antecedent of both brand loyalty and brand equity, in which brand image was significantly impacted from word-of-mouth. Although perceived service quality impacted satisfaction, satisfaction has no significant relationship to brand loyalty. Conclusions: Brand marketers and service providers should focus on stimulating positive word-of-mouth and shaping brand image through service promotion and advertisement in order to create brand loyalty and brand equity in personal health assistance service.

Author Biography

Artirat Charukitpipat

Ph.D. Candidate in Technology, Education and Management, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand.


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How to Cite

Charukitpipat, A. (2024). Investigating the antecedents of Potential Hypertension Patients’ Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity in Personal Health Assistant Services: A Case Study on a Private Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Scholar: Human Sciences, 16(1), 50-58.