The Investigation on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention to Use Graduation Management System: A Case of Chinese Art Students
Attitude, Trust, System Quality, Satisfaction, Behavioral IntentionAbstract
Purpose: This study assesses factors impacting the satisfaction and behavioral intention of students in art majors who graduated in 2022 and have been experiencing the use of the graduation management system in China. The conceptual framework was based on perceived ease of use, usefulness, system quality, trust, attitude, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The target population is 500 participants, applying the quantitative approach to distribute the questionnaire. The sampling techniques are judgmental, stratified random, and convenience sampling. Before the data collection, the Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and pilot test (n=50) of Cronbach’s Alpha were confirmed. The data analysis was implanted by confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate factor loadings, validities, and reliabilities. Furthermore, structural equation modeling was used to test a significant relationship and hypotheses. Results: All hypotheses are supported. Perceived ease of use has a significant impact on perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Perceived usefulness strongly impacts satisfaction, followed by behavioral intention. System quality significantly impacts satisfaction. In addition, behavioral intention is significantly impacted by trust, attitude, and satisfaction. Conclusion: The use of graduation management systems in colleges and universities in China provided a more effective development theory and foundation for the system developers to improve and upgrade the graduation management system.
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