Factors Impacting Satisfaction and Continuance Intention of Art and Design Students to Study with Online Education in Chengdu, China
System Quality, Service Quality, Information Quality, Satisfaction, Continuance IntentionAbstract
Purpose: This research aims to investigate factor impacting satisfaction and continuance intention of undergraduates majoring in art and design on online learning of handicrafts in four public universities in Chengdu, China. The key variables are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, system quality, service quality, information quality, satisfaction, and continuance intention. Research design, data, and methodology: Questionnaires were distributed to 500 target population, and 487 is valid after the data screening. The sampling method involves judgmental, quota and convenience sampling. The main statistical analysis tools are confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The results support all hypotheses in this study. Perceived ease of use significantly impacts perceived usefulness. System quality, information quality and service quality significantly impact satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a significant impact on satisfaction and continuance intention. Satisfaction significantly impacts continuance intention. Conclusions: Teaching workers must explore online teaching methods that combine perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, design systematic theoretical and practical courses according to different disciplinary backgrounds, and enhance the relevance and synergy of relevant knowledge and skills in different courses. The Continuance Intension of online learning can be effectively enhanced by enabling students to master new knowledge and skills in online learning truly.
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