Measuring the Level of Non-normal Students’ Usage Behavior and Satisafction with Art and Design Online Course in Hunan, China


  • Juanjuan Li

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2024.1
Published: 2024-03-01


Online Learning, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Actual Usage


Purpose: This research examines the factors influencing actual usage and satisfaction of non-normal students with the art and designs online course at four Universities in Hunan, China. The conceptual framework was constructed with commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, service quality, satisfaction, and actual usage. Research design, data, and methodology: Sample data was collected from 500 students. The quantitative method is to collect the data by a questionnaire. Before the large-scale data collection, the Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) and pilot test of 30 participants were secured to approve content validity and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test. The sampling procedure involves judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. Data were analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model’s goodness of fit and confirm the causal relationship among variables for hypothesis testing. Results: The results indicated that actual usage is the strongest factor that significant impacts student satisfaction, followed by commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, and service quality. In addition, self-efficacy is directly related to actual usage. Conclusions: The conceptual framework proposed in this study had high reliability and validity. Hence, art and design online courses should improve students’ cognitive level, student satisfaction, and actual usage to strengthen the curriculum construction.

Author Biography

Juanjuan Li

School of Design, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China.


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How to Cite

Li, J. (2024). Measuring the Level of Non-normal Students’ Usage Behavior and Satisafction with Art and Design Online Course in Hunan, China . Scholar: Human Sciences, 16(1), 1-11.