Mobile Game Players’ Behavioral Intention to Use Facial Recognition Login System in Shanghai, China
Facial Recognition, Behavioral Intention, Mobile Game, The Technology Acceptance ModelAbstract
Purpose: This research was designed to study the influences of perceived effectiveness of privacy policy, perceived privacy risk, perceived privacy self-efficacy, privacy concern, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and the behavioral intention of mobile game players toward facial recognition login systems. Research design, data, and methodology: This research has applied a quantitative method to distribute questionnaires to mobile game players (n=701) in Shanghai, China. The sample techniques involve judgmental and convenience sampling. The index of item-objective congruence (IOC) and pilot test were employed before the data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation model (SEM) were implemented to analyze the data and test the overall model along with the proposed research hypotheses. Result: The analysis showed that perceived effectiveness of privacy policy, perceived privacy risk, perceived privacy self-efficacy, privacy concern, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use significantly impact behavioral intention. Privacy concern has the strongest impact on behavioral intention. Conclusion: Mobile game services need to provide a comprehensive and reliable privacy policy statement to reduce users’ privacy concerns. For the system, promoters need to emphasize how facial recognition login systems is safer and more convenient than the other sign-in system.
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