The Exploration on Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case of Non-Teacher Training Major Students in Chuxiong Normal University, China


  • Weiya Feng

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2023.20
Published: 2023-06-09


Academic Aspect, Reputation, Service Quality, Student Satisfaction, Student Loyalty


Purpose: Talent training is the fundamental mission of the sustainable development of colleges and universities. This paper aimed to examine the factors impacting student satisfaction and loyalty, using a case of non-teacher training major students at Chuxiong Normal University, China. The conceptual framework contained academic aspect, reputation, service quality, facility, student satisfaction, and student loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: The quantitative method distributed online questionnaires to 500 students. The sampling techniques involve judgmental sampling, quota sampling, convenience sampling, and snowball sampling. The index approved the construct validity of item-objective congruence (IOC). For the reliability test, each construct was verified by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient values in the pilot test of 30 participants. The data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), including the goodness of model fit, reliability, and validity. Furthermore, structural equation modeling (SEM) was implemented to test hypotheses. Results: The findings were that academic aspects, service quality, and facility significantly impact student satisfaction. Additionally, student satisfaction had a significant impact on student loyalty. Conversely, reputation had no significant impact on student satisfaction. Conclusions: The improvement of student satisfaction and loyalty can be achieved by promoting a good reputation, strengthening the academic aspects, and enhancing service quality and facilities.

Author Biography

Weiya Feng

Ph.D. Candidate in Technology, Education and Management, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.


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How to Cite

Feng, W. (2023). The Exploration on Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case of Non-Teacher Training Major Students in Chuxiong Normal University, China. Scholar: Human Sciences, 15(1), 191-198.