Understanding Online Shopping Behaviours And Purchase Intentions Amongst Undergraduate Students in Chengdu, China
Online Shopping, Purchase Intention, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, BehaviorAbstract
Purpose: Online shopping behaviors represent the online purchase intentions towards actual behavior, which have been debated since e-commerce. Therefore, this research focuses on the factors impacting purchase intention towards actual behavior amongst college students in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The relationship between seven important variables is studied: perceived value, perceived risk, trust, satisfaction, service quality, purchase intention, and behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: The study surveyed 500 college students in three universities, which are Sichuan University, Xihua University, and Ginkgo Hotel Management College. The sampling techniques are judgmental sampling, stratified random sampling, and convenience sampling. Before the data collection, the item-objective congruence (IOC) was approved at a score of 0.6 or over, and the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test was accepted at a score of 0.7 or above. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out to test validity, reliability, fit models, and hypotheses. Results: This study achieves to identify the significant relationship between perceived value, perceived risk, trust, satisfaction, service quality, purchase intention, and behavior. Conclusion: The results will help investors and managers of online shopping platforms gain better experience and enlightenment in attracting consumers and increasing transactions and sales.
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