Impacting Factors of Student Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case Study of Private Universities in Zhejiang, China


  • Wenyan Zhai

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2023.7
Published: 2023-06-09


Higher Education, Student Satisfaction, Student Loyalty, Teaching, China


Purpose: This paper mainly studies the factors impacting student satisfaction and loyalty of private universities in Zhejiang, China. A conceptual framework was built upon the relationship between academic aspects, teachers and teaching, college administration, placement services, infrastructure facilities, student satisfaction and student loyalty. Research design, data and methodology: The sample is 500 undergraduates from two private universities in Zhejiang Province, who are studying English, Computer Science and Accounting. Nonprobability and probability samplings are including purposive sampling, stratified random sampling and convenient sampling. The validity and reliability test were employed before the data collection, approved by the item-objective congruence (IOC) index Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient values of pilot test. The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results: Research shows that teachers and teaching, infrastructure facilities, academic aspects and placement services significantly impact student satisfaction. Student satisfaction has an impact on student loyalty. On the contrary, the relationship between college administration and student satisfaction was not supported. Conclusions: Based on the findings, educational institutions can enhance student satisfaction and loyalty by the improvement of significant factors such as academic aspects, teachers and teaching, placement services, infrastructure facilities. Furthermore, future researchers should explore the insignificant of college administration.

Author Biography

Wenyan Zhai

School of Information Engineering, Jiaxing Nanhu University, China


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How to Cite

Zhai, W. (2023). Impacting Factors of Student Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case Study of Private Universities in Zhejiang, China. Scholar: Human Sciences, 15(1), 61-71.