The Application of UTAUT on elearning Usage Among Physics Students of International Schools in Bangkok, Thailand
eLearning, Technology Adoption, Behavioral Intention, Use Behavior, StudentsAbstract
Purpose: Students have been introduced to eLearning during COVID-19, and it has been continued to have a strong impact on the future use. Therefore, this research aims to identify factors impacting the behavioral intention and use behavior of eLearning among the high school students who have been studying physics in the final two years (Grade 11 and 12) of international schools in Bangkok, Thailand, ascertained by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and habit. Research design, data, and methods: Researchers applied quantitative methods of questionnaire distribution to 500 participants, underlying the sampling techniques of judgmental, stratified random and convenience samplings. Constructs were prior approved by Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index. Pilot testing of 30 participants with Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test was satisfied. The data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results: Results indicate the strongest relationship between the behavioral intention and use behavior of eLearning. Furthermore, performance expectancy, efforts expectancy, facilitating conditions, and habit significantly affect behavioral intention. Facilitating conditions and habit have a significant impact on use behavior. Conclusion: This study recommends that schools should improve e-learning system in order to enhance student behavioral intention and use behavior for their future education and career.
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