Multicultural Education, Private Higher EducationAbstract
This study aimed to develop a strategy for strengthening multicultural education at a private higher education institution. The study was designed as a mixed-methods exploratory design. The qualitative portion of the research was conducted using content analysis to generate content for the survey which was utilized for the quantitative portion of the study. The research objectives for the survey were: 1) To explore instructors' practices that strengthen multicultural education in higher education institutions, 2) To explore the practices that strengthen multicultural education in higher education institutions, 3) To determine the current level of intercultural sensitivity of instructors at a private higher education institution, 4) To determine the significant instructors' practices that strengthen multicultural education at a private higher education institution, 5) To determine significant institutional practices that promote multicultural education at a private higher institution, and 6) To develop a strategy to strengthen multicultural education at a private higher education institution. Data were collected from 95 administrators and 265 instructors at the Assumption University of Thailand. A multiple regression analysis found the variables of Classroom Environment (CE), Individual Beliefs (IB) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and Awareness of Multicultural Issues (IMA) to be significant at P<.001. A strategy to strengthen multicultural education at Assumption University was developed from the significant factors and validated by experts.
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