Self-leadership competencies, non-academic staff, Thai private universitiesAbstract
This research aimed to develop a model of Self-Leadership Competencies for non-academic staff at Thai higher education institutions. A preliminary model was developed from the theoretical literature to achieve the objective, incorporating the theory of Self-Leadership (Manz, 1986) and Self-Directed Leadership Development (Nesbit, 2012). The theoretical model was developed using a two-stage mixed methods research design, which began with interviews with senior non-academic staff and administrators (n = 10) and an additional quantitative survey of academic staff and administrators from six private universities in Thailand (n = 352). The qualitative research revealed that training and development was the most important factor in self-leadership competencies, autonomy, and other organizational culture aspects. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to find the significant external factors affecting self-leadership behaviors. This model was substantial and moderately predictive (R2 = .343), with 34.3% of the variance in overall behavior strategies predicted by variance in external factors. Significant factors included training and professional development, rewards and recognition (negative), emotional intelligence, and organizational climate and culture (negative). The strongest effect was emotional intelligence, followed by training and professional development. The model was validated by experts and finalized. Implications for universities point to training and development benefits self-leadership competency development for non-academic staff.
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