A Study of The Relationship between Leadership Style and Knowledge Management in Pan-Asia International School


  • M Lawt Aung
  • Watana Vinitwatanakhun


Relationship, Leadership Style, Knowledge Management, Pan-Asia International School


This study examined the relationship between leadership and knowledge management in Pan-Asia International School. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a significant relationship between leadership style and knowledge management. The study included a sample of 35 teachers from a population of 49 teachers in this International School. Questionnaires were used as the research instruments to collect the demographic profile and to measure leadership style and knowledge management. Therefore, the research design of this study is quantitative. Descriptive method was used to identify leadership style of administrators and knowledge management of school and Pearson’s Product Correlation method was used to examine the relation of leadership style and knowledge management. According to the major research findings of this study, the teachers from PAIS perceived that their administrators have high transformational leadership style and they tend to agree that they perceive school knowledge managements. Moreover, regarding the relationship between total average of two leadership styles and knowledge management, the research finding showed that transformational leadership style is positively and significantly related to the knowledge management (p < 0.05).

Author Biographies

M Lawt Aung

M.Ed. Candidate in Educational Administration, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand

Watana Vinitwatanakhun

Ph.D., Program Director of M.Ed in Educational Administration, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand




How to Cite

Aung, M. L., & Vinitwatanakhun, W. (2014). A Study of The Relationship between Leadership Style and Knowledge Management in Pan-Asia International School. Scholar: Human Sciences, 6(1). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/Scholar/article/view/52




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