The Relationship Between Motivation and Perceived Parental Encouragement for Learning English as a Foreign Language with English Achievement of Grades 6 to 8 Students at St. John’s Private School, Pathein, Myanmar


  • Nant Marina 136/A Daw Hla Pan St. Inn Sein, Yangon, Myanmar.
  • Suwattana Eamoraphan Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Assumption University, Thailand.


Motivation, parental encouragement, English achievement, Socio- Educational model, Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB), St. John’s Private School


The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between motivation and perceived parental encouragement for learning English as a foreign language with English achievement of Grades 6 to 8 students at St. John's Private School, Pathein, Myanmar. The study was quantitative study, and motivation questionnaire was used to collected data from 157 students in academic year 2018-2019 at St. John’s Private School, Pathein, Myanmar. For English achievement test, Grades 6 to 8 monthly test was used in this study. Means, standard deviations, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that students’ motivation for learning English as a foreign language was interpreted as very high, and perceived parental encouragement for learning English as a foreign language was very high as well.

The final finding of this study showed that there was no significant between perceived parental encouragement and English achievement at Grades 6 to 8 students at St. John’s Private School, Pathein. Myanmar.


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How to Cite

Marina, N., & Eamoraphan, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Motivation and Perceived Parental Encouragement for Learning English as a Foreign Language with English Achievement of Grades 6 to 8 Students at St. John’s Private School, Pathein, Myanmar. Scholar: Human Sciences, 12(1), 279. Retrieved from

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