The Influence Of Dispositional Optimism-Pessimism On Life Satisfaction Mediated By Coping Strategies Among Thais In Bangkok


  • Yanika Hoontrakul M.S Candidate in Counselling Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Assumption University, Thailand
  • Parvathy Varma Ph.D., Program Director, Graduate School of Psychology, Assumption University, Thailand


Optimism, Pessimism, Coping Strategies, Life Satisfaction


Research has shown that optimism and productive coping strategies have a momentous positive impact on physical and psychological well-being. It has been found that optimists tend to use engaged-style coping and pessimists use disengaged-style coping. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the direct and indirect relationship of dispositional optimism-pessimism on life satisfaction, being mediated by coping strategies among Thais in Bangkok. Two hundred and four Thai adults participated in an online survey. The research design of this study was correlational, using path analysis to test the hypotheses. Results revealed that there was no direct influence between optimism-pessimism on life satisfaction. However, there was an indirect positive relationship between optimism and life satisfaction, mediated by engaged coping. Lastly, there was no indirect relationship of pessimism on life satisfaction, mediated by disengaged coping, but disengaged coping was negatively related to life satisfaction. Some of the results in the present study diverged significantly from existing literature, future research may want to further investigate these discrepancies. Future studies should also continue to explore predictors to life satisfaction within the Thai population and develop culturally appropriate interventions.


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How to Cite

Hoontrakul, Y., & Varma, P. (2019). The Influence Of Dispositional Optimism-Pessimism On Life Satisfaction Mediated By Coping Strategies Among Thais In Bangkok. Scholar: Human Sciences, 11(2), 1. Retrieved from

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