The Development of a Training Model of Non-Formal Education, Based on Concepts of Constructionism and Self-Directed Learning to Enhance Functional Competencies of Personnel Officers in the Royal Thai Air Force
Training Model of Non-formal Education, Constructionism, Self-directed LearningAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) To analyze problems with training and to find out the training needs for developing a new training model of non-formal education and to enhance functional competencies of personnel in the Royal Thai Air Force. 2) To develop a training model of Non-formal education based on the concepts of Constructionism and Self-directed learning to enhance competencies of personnel officers in the Royal Thai Air Force. 3) To implement a training model of Non-formal education based on the concepts of Construction and Self-directed learning to enhance functional competencies of personnel officers in the Royal Thai Air Force. 4) To study factors and conditions of using a training model of Non-formal Education based on the concepts of Construction and Self-directed learning to enhance functional competencies of personnel in the Royal Thai Air Force. The research populations were all 60 personnel officers in the Royal Thai Air Force and the research samples was for commissioned officers: Pilots, Flying officers, Flight Lieutenants, Squadron Leaders and Wing Commanders. They all have had experiences in the Royal Thai Air Force for at least 3 years. The research procedure was divided into four steps. The first step was the data collection and analyzing. The second step was the development of a training model of non-formal education based on the concepts of Constructionism, Self-directed Learning and Creative Training Miracle Model to enhance functional competencies of personnel in the Royal Thai Air Force which is N-GRaDE with ITALIC Model which is composed of N: Need analysis, G: Goal setting, R: Resources, D: Decision method, E: Evaluation and ITALIC Model; I: Icebreaking, T: Tactical interest, A: Activities, L: Learning, I: Integrated sharing knowledge, C: Creative construction. The third step was implementing the training model of Non-formal Education "N-GRaDE with ITALIC Model" with 60 officers; the experimented group involves 30 officers and the control group involves the other 30 officers. The experimented group is going to be trained based on the Non-formal education development program by a researcher. The last process is to study the factor and conditions of using "N-GRaDE with ITALIC Model" the training model of non-formal education based on the concepts of Constructionism, Self-directed learning and Creative Training Miracle Model
The research findings were as follows: The training model of non-formal education; "N-GRaDE with ITALIC Model" and now the researcher is analyzing and comparing the data of functional competencies of personnel officers in the sampling group that is using the training model "N-GRaDE with ITALIC Model".
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