A Comparative Study of University Students’ Perceptions Towards Parental Involvement According to Their Demographics at Myanmar Institute of Theology in Yangon, Myanmar
Demographic Profiles, University Students’ Perceptions, Parental Involvement, Liberal Arts ProgramAbstract
The major purpose of this study was to investigate the amount of parental involvement from the perspectives of today’s university students including the examination of several variables (gender, ethnic background, parents’ annual income, parents’ education background, and location) to determine if different amount of parental involvement exists according to the students’ demographics at Liberal Arts program in Myanmar Institute of Theology, Yangon, Myanmar. A questionnaire was utilized as the primary research instrument. A total of 212 university freshmen studying at Liberal Arts program in academic year of (2016-2017) were selected as the participants in this study. The study found that university students at Liberal Arts program received “moderate involvement” from their parents during their university experiences. In addition, significant differences in university students’ perceptions towards parental involvement were witnessed according to their gender and parents’ annual income, even though there were no significant differences in university students’ perceptions towards parental involvement according to their ethnic background, parents’ education background, and location.
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