A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Perception of Retention According to Their Demographic Factors at Yunnan Normal University Business School in Yunnan Province, China


  • Jing Zhao M.Ed. Candidate in Educational Administration, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand.
  • Yan Ye Ph.D., Director of Educational Research, Statistics and Measurement Center, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand.


Teacher, Perception, Retention, Independent College, Demographic Factors


The main purpose of this study aimed to compare the teachers’ perception of retention according to their age, gender, marital status, major, education level, residence registration and income at Yunnan Normal University Business School, China in the academic year 2013-2014.A total number of full-time teachers at Yunnan Normal University Business School in Yunnan Province of China were surveyed for this study. The study utilized Frequency and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, and The Independent Samples t-test to analyze the data. Dealing with the collected data, the study reported the demographic factors of teachers at the current school; identified the teachers’ perception of retention at the current school; compared the teachers’ perception of retention according to their demographic factors at the current school. The significant differences in teachers’ perception of retention according to their demographic factors at Yunnan Normal University Business School in Yunnan Province, China were found by the study.




How to Cite

Zhao, J., & Ye, Y. (2016). A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Perception of Retention According to Their Demographic Factors at Yunnan Normal University Business School in Yunnan Province, China. Scholar: Human Sciences, 8(1), 75. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/Scholar/article/view/2187




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