Knowledge Management Strategies for Schools under The St. Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand


  • Chamnan Laoruckphon


Knowledge Management Strategies, Schools under the St. Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand


The object of this study is to assess the knowledge management strategies for schools under the St. Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand. The researcher used descriptive research through mixed methods. The quantitative information and data were collected by using a questionnaire to discover the authentic state and the preferred state of knowledge management and key success factors for knowledge management of 15 schools under the St. Gabriel’s Foundation. Qualitative information was collected from focus group discussion, interviews and questionnaires in order to formulate strategies. The strategies were verified, in terms of quality, by experts and school directors to study feasibility and appropriateness of the implementation of the strategies. The questionnaire was structured based on knowledge management and key success factors for knowledge management, in accordance with concepts, theories and operational definitions of knowledge management. and a focus group discussion amongst co-administrators, teachers and related staff. The quantitative data were analyzed in descriptive statistics by applying frequency, average and standard deviation, inferential statistics by applying t-test and ANOVA. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.

In summary, the research findings showed that an authentic state of knowledge management was practiced at a high level. The preferred state was at the highest level; knowledge acquisition was practiced at a high level. Knowledge transmission and knowledge utilization need to be improved. The important problem was a lack of knowledge and understanding of knowledge management. The key success factors for knowledge management were information technology and leadership. Measurement and evaluation need to be improved. Knowledge management for schools under the St. Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand comprised 5 strategies as follows:

  1. Formulating strategic plans of knowledge management at all levels of the organization, 
  2. Developing schools under the St.Gabriel’s Foundation to be learning organizations for sustainable development, 
  3. Promoting the administrative structure, leadership and culture to facilitate knowledge management,
  4. Developing an information technology system for knowledge management. 
  5. Creating internal and external networks to support knowledge management. 
Each strategy had sub-strategies and policies/directions examined and certified in terms of quality by experts, with the average value at the highest level (between 4.51-5.00). From the evaluation of feasibility and appropriateness of implementation in schools by school directors, the value was at the highest level (between 4.51-5.00).

Author Biography

Chamnan Laoruckphon

Ph. D. Candidate in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


How to Cite

Laoruckphon, C. (2014). Knowledge Management Strategies for Schools under The St. Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand. Scholar: Human Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from


