Invoking Kairos: Reflections on Islam and Christianity in the New World
The totalitarian ideology was pivoted on the hubris ridden ‘right to rule’ as a pretext for creating a new world order. Their social and political agendas actualised the Greek concept of kairos a divinely ordained or opportune time to act. In the contemporary period, the notion of the new world order has been linked to the perceived threat which globalisation poses for human rights and the environment. My use of kairos in this essay is informed by the metaphysics of the Andalusian Sufi master, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 ce), which asserts the constant self-disclosure of Divine consciousness within human history, culture and nature (Coates 2002:82-83). It is the
sociological implications of Ibn Arabi’s ontology that gives us an invaluable insight for examining kairos in relation to the dialogic with Islam and Christianity, and its implications on world peace.
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