
  • Francis Cais


In A. D. 627 the monk Paulinus visited King Edwin in northern England to persuade him to accept Christianity. He hesitated and decided to summon his advisers. At the meeting one of them stood up and said: “Your majesty, when you sit at table with your lords and vassals, in the winter when the fire burns warm and bright on the hearth and the storm is howling out side, bringing the snow and the rain, it happens allof a sudden that a little bird flies into the hall. It comes in at one door and flies out through the other. For the few moments that it is inside the hall, it does not feel the cold, but as soon as it leaves your sight, it returns to the dark of winter. It seems to me that the life of human being is much the same. We do not know what went before and we do not know what follows. If the new doctrine can speak to us surely of these things, it is well for us
to follow it.” They found the answer they sought in the message of Jesus.

Author Biography

Francis Cais

Saengtham College, Thailand
