Paul Ricoeur’s Reflexive Philosophy: Tying the Filipino Self to the Family


  • Ruby S. Suazo


This essay wishes to clarify, through reflective analysis, the fact of the subject’s own existence. This consciousness of this fact is a form of heightened self-understanding. It applies Ricoeur’s approach to the problem of subjectivity to the clarification of the Filipino identity. Particularly his attempt to re-inscribe the subject “within the problematic of action as a field of potentialities”. In the same fashion, the researcher’s quest for Filipino identity anticipates the triumph of sense over non-sense that will ultimately lead the Filipino towards his quest for genuine selfhood as reflected in the conscious effort towards nation building. While Ricoeur endeavors to explain the fact of the subject’s existence by way of its several mediations (symbolic and textual), the researcher, on the other hand, attempts the clarification of the Filipino identity by way of the significance of the family.

Author Biography

Ruby S. Suazo

University of San Carlos, Philippines
