Book Review: International Antitrust Law and Policy


  • พิชัยศักดิ์ หรยางกรู


International Antitrust Law & Policy is the title of the annual conference of the Fordham. Competion Law Institute for the year of 2011 edited by Barry E. Hawk, published by Juris Publishing Inc. in 2011 and reviewed by P. Horayangkura of Assumption University. This volume of 466 pages covers a broad spectrum of views on antitrust from Brazil to Eu and those which are between them like South Africa and Mexico. Most of the participants are practitioners. The issues covered in the volume include competition policy, enforcement, abusive dominance, economic development, digital environment and antitrust. The practical aspects of antitrust enforcement were brought to the conference table by the participants.

Author Biography

พิชัยศักดิ์ หรยางกรู

หัวหนาสาขาวิชากฎหมายธุรกิจ คณะนิตศาสตร ิ มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ
