“มาตรา 190 และกฏหมายประกอบ” ปัญหาหรือทางออกของรัฐไทยใน ยุคโลกาภิวัตน์


  • จักรชัย โฉมทองดี


Section 190 is a result of the Thai society that experienced commitments in international level especially Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which created problems in the process and enforcement.

However, to continue a good relationship with other countries, FTA Watch, therefore, provides a Draft Act relating to section 190 which has important principles as follow:

1. The process of making an international agreement must balance the role and power among the Executive, Legislative, and Civil Society.

2. Negotiation and making agreement process must base on Good Governance, Transparency, and Civil Participation.

3. A research must be conducted by the independent and neutral organization.

4. Public Hearing must be done under a management of Independent Organization.

Author Biography

จักรชัย โฉมทองดี

