Influential Factors Impacting the Performance of Employees with Less Than Five Years of Work Experience in High-Tech Enterprises located in Chengdu, China

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Sijie Ma


Purpose: This study aims to explore the key factors that significantly influence employees' job performance in high-tech enterprises in Chengdu, China. The conceptual framework proposes the causal relationships between variables such as job engagement, innovative behavior, distributive justice, training, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee job performance. Research design, data, and methodology: This study employed a questionnaire survey method and statistical analysis techniques to investigate 500 employees' job performance in high-tech enterprises who have less than five-year work experience. The researcher used Item-Objective Consistency (IOC) and Cronbach's Alpha to test the designed scales before distributing the questionnaire. Nonprobability and probability sampling methods are used, including judgmental and stratified random sampling. The collected data were subjected to statistical analyses, including Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, to assess reliability and validity and to analyze model fit. Results: The analysis of the research findings reveals that training, job engagement, distributive justice, job satisfaction, innovative behavior, and organizational commitment have a significantly positive impact on job performance among employees in high-tech enterprises. Nevertheless, Job satisfaction has no significant impact on organization commitment. Conclusions: This study provides recommendations for human resource management in high-tech enterprises, highlights research limitations, and suggests future research directions.


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How to Cite
Ma, S. (2024). Influential Factors Impacting the Performance of Employees with Less Than Five Years of Work Experience in High-Tech Enterprises located in Chengdu, China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 17(2), 194-203.


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