The Antecedents of Student Satisfaction and Loyalty in Public Universities in Zhejiang, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: This purpose of this paper is to ascertain the antecedents of student satisfaction and student loyalty and tests the interrelationships between academic aspects, college administration, infrastructure facilities, placement services, teachers and teaching, student satisfaction and student loyalty. Research design, data and methodology: The study used survey research design and collected valid sample 500 from the two public universities in the state of Zhejiang, China. Nonprobability and probability samplings were employed to use purposive sampling, stratified random sampling and convenience sampling via online and offline channels. To analyze the data, a confirmatory factor analysis was used where it examined the associations between items and constructs, Afterward, structural equation model (SEM) was applied to investigate the relationships between constructs. Results: The results established academic aspects, college administration, infrastructure facilities, placement services have a significant impact on student satisfaction. Student satisfaction has a significant impact on student loyalty. On the other hand, the relationship between teachers and teaching and student satisfaction was disapproved. Conclusions: This research helps the higher education management in acquiring a better understanding of the relationship between the antecedents of student satisfaction and student loyalty to implement better strategies and ultimately improve educational service.
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