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Lu Zhu
Thanawan Phongsatha
Apichart Intravisit


The purpose of this quantitative research is to improve the piano performance skills of the non-piano major sophomore music students in Hunan City University. Based on the Morrison, Ross and Kemp Model (MRK), the researcher selected Sight-Reading, Scales and Arpeggios, Etude and Piano Piece as components of training and assessment to construct the Blended Piano Teaching Model (BPTM). The purposive sampling technique had been employed to select samples and divided into two groups; one was the experimental group with 15 sophomores, and the other was the control group with 15 sophomores from 280 non-piano music majors in the School of Music, Hunan City University. The results revealed that the experimental group using the BPTM statistically significant improve in Sight-Reading, Scales and Arpeggios, Etude and Piano Piece components compared with the control group without applying the BPTM model. Therefore, it was concluded and confirmed that the BPTM was the effective teaching tools in piano teaching for non-piano major music students. As the result, the institutions should consider implementing BPTM as one of the piano teaching strategy. 


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How to Cite
Zhu, L., Phongsatha, T., & Intravisit, A. (2021). A BLENDED PIANO TEACHING MODEL FOR NON-PIANO MUSIC MAJOR STUDENTS IN HUNAN CITY UNIVERSITY. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 13(2), 38-48. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/AU-GSB/article/view/5223
Author Biographies

Lu Zhu

Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand

Thanawan Phongsatha

Lecturer, Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand

Apichart Intravisit

Lecturer, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Thailand.


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