Embracing an ASEAN Economic Community: Are Thai Students Ready for the Transition?

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Ryan R. F. Barbin
Philip Nicholls


In anticipation of the commencement of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, countries across the region are developing strategies to increase awareness and prepare their populations to embrace this new phase of economic regionalization. This paper is the outcome of a larger research project aimed at gaining insights into the extent to which tertiary students are prepared to embrace the upcoming changes heralded by the implementation the AEC. It focuses on evaluating the readiness of the students of a well-known Bangkok-based University in terms of “knowledge levels” and “attitudes.” It also explores the differences between the responses across the student demographics. All respondents were Thai nationals. In terms of the disclosed low levels of knowledge, it would appear that students are not prepared. However, in terms of attitudes, it is clear that the students are ready and willing to embrace the AEC.


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How to Cite
Barbin, R. R. F., & Nicholls, P. (2014). Embracing an ASEAN Economic Community: Are Thai Students Ready for the Transition?. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 6(2). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/AU-GSB/article/view/449
Author Biographies

Ryan R. F. Barbin

Ryan R. F. Barbin recently graduated from Assumption University, Graduate School of Business.

Philip Nicholls

Dr. Philip H. Nicholls, Ph.D. lectures in International Business Management at Assumption University, Graduate School of Business.