Employers' Experiences of MBA Graduates in Bangkok

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John Barnes


There are many criticisms of the generic MBA degree, one being that administration can be taught in schools and universities, whilst management must be learnt through practice in the work place. Many critical studies have been performed in the United States and the United Kingdom, but as far as can be determined, none has been undertaken and published in Thailand. This research contributes to the debate by means of twenty confidential qualitative interviews with employers: in general their comments match those identified in overseas studies, apart from the criticism that ‘graduate mobility is seen by employers as a sign of disloyalty’, a proposition they discounted. Six new issues were identified, suggesting that although many criticisms apply to the generic MBA perse, others apply to specific locations.


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How to Cite
Barnes, J. (2014). Employers’ Experiences of MBA Graduates in Bangkok. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 1(1). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/AU-GSB/article/view/380
Author Biography

John Barnes

John Barnes, Ph.D. teaches at Assumption University,
Graduate School of Business.